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The one stop shop AI search and more

Enable AI-powered personalization, recommendations, and on-site search for your site or app with ease.

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Go live fast and drive results with Algolia' solutions

Algolia NeuralSearch

AI Search

Say hello to the search API that understands your customers as well as you do - and helps you improve your customer satisfaction and KPIs.

Algolia AI Recommendations

AI Recommendations

Build recommendation experiences to maximize conversions, provide delightful end user engagement, and ensure repeat customer visits.

Algolia personalization

AI Browse

Provide the most compelling products to visitors as they browse your site. Build AI- powered product carousels with 1:1 personalization or boost products which are trending, popular, recently added, highly discounted, or just continuing from where visitors left off last visit.

Algolia  is fast to results in every industry and use case

Algolia industries

Addressing a wide range of industries

  • B2C ecommerce

  • B2B ecommerce

  • Marketplaces

  • Media

  • SaaS

  • and more...

Algolia use cases

Providing solutions for multiple use cases

  • Mobile and app search

  • Headless ecommerce

  • Voice search

  • Image search

  • Enterprise search

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