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Integrations / Magento 2

Magento features compatibility

The Algolia extension for Magento Open Source and Adobe Commerce is compatible with these external modules.

Magento Inventory (MSI)

The code for the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory module is a community-developed module available on GitHub. Though Algolia is a contributor to this repository, there is no product roadmap for this module and it’s not aligned with the Algolia/Magento integration product releases.

The Algolia extension supports the Magento Inventory module, also known as Multi-Source Inventory (MSI).

See Inventory Management in the Magento developer documentation for more information.

The MSI features include:

  • Different configurations for merchants whose inventory originates from single or multiple sources
  • Stock tracking through assigned sources
  • Concurrent checkout protection
  • Shipment matching algorithms

As a consequence, you can create multiple inventory sources and stocks to manage the availability of products in your stores.


MSI changed the way a product is determined to be in stock or not. To support the new behavior and to keep backwards compatibility with older versions of the Magento 2 integration, Algolia provides an optional module, Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory.

You can download this module separately with Composer and use it in addition to the Algolia extension.

You can use the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory module with version 1.12 or later of the Algolia extension. To decide which version of the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory you need to install, check the compatibility on GitHub.


You can use Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory if:

  • You’re using Magento version 2.3 or later
  • You’re using multiple sources/stocks to manage your inventory

If you don’t use MSI, adding the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory module won’t break your indexing process, but it may slow it down. You should only install the module if you’re using MSI.

Installing the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory module

Install the Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory module with Composer:

composer require algolia/algoliasearch-inventory-magento-2
php bin/magento module:enable Algolia_AlgoliaSearchInventory
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy # in case you're on production mode

Now, your multiple sources and stocks are handled as you expect and you can continue to use the Algolia extension.

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