Set up command completion
Use the algolia completion
command to set up command completion for the Algolia CLI.
After you enabled command completion,
you can enter the first letters of a command and press the Tab
key on your keyboard to see available commands and options.
Run algolia completion SHELL --help
for more information about enabling command completion for the Algolia CLI for your shell.
Setup for Homebrew
If you install the Algolia CLI with Homebrew and you set up shell completion, you don’t need to configure anything extra. Installing the Algolia CLI with Homebrew adds the completion functions to your environment.
Setup for Bash
Command completion depends on the bash-completion
If it isn’t installed already, you can install it with a package manager.
If you’re using Homebrew, you can enter: brew install bash-completion@2
To enable command completion for Bash in the current session, run:
source <(algolia completion bash)
To enable command completion for Bash for every new session, run:
algolia completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/algolia
Start a new Bash session to explore the completions.
Setup for Zsh
If you didn’t set up shell completion in Zsh already, run the following command to set it up:
echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
To enable command completion for Zsh for every new session, run:
algolia completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_algolia"
Start a new Zsh session to explore the completions.
Setup for Fish
To enable command completion for Fish in the current session, run:
algolia completion fish | source
To enable command completion for Fish for every new session:
algolia completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
Start a new Fish session to explore the completions.
Setup for PowerShell
To enable command completion for PowerShell in the current session, run:
algolia completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
To enable command completion for PowerShell for every new session, add the output of the previous command to your PowerShell profile.